Outdoor Postpartum & Play Group

Wednesdays 10am-11:30am

June 19-July 31
(no group on July 3)

$10 per session
(scholarships available— just ask!)

Private residential garden in NE Portland (location shared upon booking)

MOMS thrive in community.

The thing about mom friends is they just get it. From birth stories to sleepless nights, feeding challenges to returning to work--and everything in between-- each mother’s journey is unique, yet the experience can also feel universal.

Research tells us that 1 in 5 birthing people will experience a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder. The best way to prevent and treat them? Peer support from other moms who’ve been there.

Lean on mother nature to nurture you and your baby.

What’s better than connecting with other moms? Doing so in nature. While we know finding peer support is crucial for maternal and infant health & well-being, evidence also points to spending time outdoors as crucial for regulating mood, improving sleep, and reducing stress (just to name a few!).

Consider this outdoor-focused group a balm for your soul as you foster connection, development, and relationship with your baby and other dyads. We meet weekly in the summer months in a private garden located in NE Portland (location is shared at sign up).

While the primary focus of this group is peer support, we will also hear from local perinatal experts on some of the following topics to help you and your baby thrive:

  • fostering brain and physical development

  • reducing postpartum stress

  • safe baby-wearing tips

  • tummy time strategies

  • lactation and feeding

  • practical strategies for getting outdoors with your new baby

  • and more!